Our Commitment to Transparency
In keeping with our commitment to community trust and organizational transparency, we present the Chinese Culture Center's financial information for public review. As a nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing racial justice and cultural understanding through arts and education, we believe in maintaining clear accountability to our supporters, community members, and stakeholders. The following financial overview demonstrates our careful stewardship of resources in pursuit of our mission to transform narratives and combat inequity through cultural engagement.
Organization Name: Chinese Culture Foundation of San Francisco (DBA Chinese Culture Center of San Francisco)
Fiscal year: Jan 1- Dec 31 2024
EIN: 94-1688190
Annual Economic Statement:​
Name of the CEO or employee who has daily managerial responsibilities:
Board of Directors
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Total budget and expenditures, and a program-by-program description of all monies expended or budgeted during calendar or fiscal year
Letter from the IRS showing your valid nonprofit status