Chinatown Ross Alley Zine Festival
Held on: November 09, 2024
Ross Alley, Chinatown San Francisco, CA 94108
時間:11月9日,週六 下午12點至4點
地點:Ross Alley 舊呂宋巷,華埠
Photography by Robert Borsdorf
Ho Tam Press @41Ross
Lead Artist: Ho Tam
Dates: September 20 - November 30, 2024
Hours: Thursday - Saturday, 11:00 am - 4:00 pm
Location: 41 Ross, 41 Ross Alley, San Francisco, CA 94108
地點:舊金山 舊呂宋巷41號
Presented by Chinese Culture Center of San Francisco
Chinese Culture Center of San Francisco proudly presents the first ever Chinatown Ross Alley Zine Festival, an art and culture event showcasing a diverse lineup of independent Bay Area artists and zine publishers. Taking place on Saturday, November 9 from 12 pm - 4 pm, in Ross Alley, SF Chinatown, the festival aims to uplift BIPOC and independent artists; celebrate the dynamic communities and cultural vibrancy of Chinatown; create a innovative and inclusive platform to explore the possibilities of print media as a powerful tool of storytelling; and foster meaningful connections and spark dialogue among diverse communities.
The inaugural Chinatown Ross Alley Zine Festival, inspired and built upon the free expression and art form of print matters, featuring bay area based independent artists and publishers, offering limited edition zines and artworks for purchase, special items and book giveaways, film screening, music, and more! This event is free to the public.
The Chinatown Ross Alley Zine Festival will be held in conjunction with the newest edition of the 41 Ross Artist-in-Residence program with the artist, Ho Tam. Tam transforms 41 Ross into a temporary bookshop, gallery, and studio, as a special edition of Hotam Press, a multifaceted platform that he runs in Vancouver. Known for his exploration of print media and identity politics, Ho brings his unique perspective to experience the power of print media and invite people to discover its place in the rich cultural fabric of SF Chinatown.
We invite you to discover the power of print media, collect one of a kind artworks, and support the vibrant communities and artists.
舊金山中華文化中心驕傲呈現第一屆華埠小巷手作書誌節,這是一個展示灣區獨立藝術家和印刷出版藝術家的藝術文化活動。活動將於11月9日(週六)下午12點至4點在三藩市華埠舊呂宋巷(Ross Alley)舉行,旨在提昇多種族藝術家和獨立藝術家;慶祝華埠充滿活力的多元社區和文化;創造一個創新且包容的平臺,探索印刷媒體作爲強大敘事工具的可能性;並在多元社區之間建立有意義的聯繫,激發對話。
華埠小巷手作書誌節將與最新一期41 Ross駐地藝術家項目一起舉行,駐地藝術家爲Ho Tam 譚浩。譚浩將41 Ross改造成一個臨時書店、畫廊和工作室,作爲Hotam Press的特別版本,Hotam Press是他在溫哥華運營的一個多元化平臺。Tam以對印刷媒體和身份政治的探索而聞名,他用自己獨特的視角實驗印刷媒體的力量,探索其在三藩市華埠豐富文化結構中的地位。
Featured Artists:
Everything Matters Press
Film screening, works from Hotam Press
41 Ross Artist in Residency Ho Tam will screen his selected film works at the Alleyway Zine Festival, including works inspired by his print pieces showing insides 41 Ross at the Hotam Press: Fine China, The Yellow Pages, HK 47, and those that highlight the poignant role of print media in weaving compelling narratives.
Book Giveaway by Edge on the Square x San Francisco Public Library
As part of the first Chinatown Ross Alley Zine Festival, Edge on the Square (Edge) is hosting a free book giveaway to celebrate the rich history of community-building, resilience, and creative expression in San Francisco's Chinatown. Sign up for Edge’s newsletter to receive a copy of The Best We Could Do by Thi Bui, a powerful graphic memoir that examines the refugee experience alongside the intergenerational trauma of war and displacement. By sharing these stories, Edge honors the challenges and triumphs that define Chinatown's vibrant spirit. Edge's book giveaway is generously sponsored by the San Francisco Public Library.
About CCC
Established in 1965, CCC (the Chinese Culture Center of San Francisco) stands as a non-profit arts organization with a rich legacy spanning over 50 years. Throughout its history, CCC has played a pivotal role in elevating Chinatown through the arts, as both a vibrant neighborhood and a poignant metaphor for the immigrant experience. In recent years, CCC has undergone transformative growth, presenting thought-provoking international exhibitions and engaging educational programs. The organization’s commitment to spotlighting pressing and nuanced issues of our time sparks essential dialogues, uniting diverse perspectives and inspiring meaningful actions toward a more inclusive and equitable society. Some of its iconic programming includes “Chinatown History and Art Walking Tour,” “XianRui: Artist in Excellence Series,” “41 Ross: Artist-in-Residence,” and the new “Hungry Ghost Festival.”
About 41 Ross and AIR Program
41 Ross is a unique community art space located in the historic Ross Alley in San Francisco Chinatown. As a partnership between the Chinese Culture Center and the Chinatown Community Development Center, it represents an experimental collaboration between a contemporary art center and a neighborhood development organization. Since its inception in 2014, the 41 Ross Artist-in-Residence has served as an exchange platform for emerging or underexplored API/BIPOC artists, fostering the development of their work and the expansion of community-based practices within San Francisco's Chinatown. The program builds upon the CCC’s unique decades-long legacy in providing a platform for the artists’ experimental, conceptual, and research-based practices in an environment that strikes the balance between foregrounding artistic exploration, working within a cultural community, and promoting exchange amongst wider audiences. Past projects include, but are not limited to: Keyword School (2014), Chinatown Pretty (2015), Chinatown Home Cooking (2016), Liminal Space (2017), Art, Culture and Belonging in Chinatown and Manilatown (2020-21), and Table to Farm (2022).
1965年成立的中華文化中心(CCC),是一個擁有超過50年歷史的非營利藝術組織。多年來,它一直致力於用藝術帶動華埠,以將其打造成移民經歴的象徵。近年,CCC不斷成長。通過發人深思的跨國藝術展和教育項目,CCC挑戰當下最迫切的複雜議題,用對話連結不同視角,觸發讓社會更平等、更公正的行動。最受矚目的項目包括「華埠歷史和藝術導遊」、「鮮銳 :藝術家個展系列」、「41 Ross舊呂宋巷藝術家駐地項目」和「華埠鬼節」。
舊呂宋巷41號座落在舊金山華埠一條歷史小巷裡,它是由CCC和華協(CCDC)合辦的當代藝術中心,代表著藝術和社區組織的實驗性合作。自從2014年建館來,這裡的藝術駐留計劃為亞太裔和BIPOC藝術家提供了交流平台,一邊支持藝術創作,一邊促進華埠的社區實踐。駐留計畫借助CCC數十年的經驗,為注重實驗、概念和研究的藝術家們提供平台,鼓勵他們在創作、交流和推廣間找到平衡。以往項目包括:關鍵詞學校(2014)、華埠靚靚(2015)、華埠家鄉味(2016)、臨界地/渡(2017)、藝術,文化與歸屬感 (2020-21)、從餐桌到農場(2022)等。
Presented by:

Supported by:

Additional support:
Walter and Elise Haas Fund, San Francisco Foundation, California Natural Resources Agency, #StartSmall Foundation, Grants for the Arts, San Francisco Arts Commission, Community Challenge Grant, Bloomberg Family Foundation, Phyllis C. Wattis Foundation, Zellerbach Family Foundation, CCC Contemporaries