Queer Stage Series #3 Queer Film Directors Talk + Screenings
酷兒电影 : 放映+導演對話
Location: 41 Ross, 41 Ross Alley, San Francisco, CA 94108
As part of the Queer Stage Series of OUT Museum, on June 28, four distinguished filmmakers: Xiangqi Chen, Cui Z’ien, Chen Jumni, and Madeleine Lim will be in conversation. Their groundbreaking works have played a pivotal role in illuminating LGBTQ+ issues, driving social change, and igniting meaningful dialogue. Join us for an exclusive glimpse into their creative processes and behind-the-scenes anecdotes.
Directors Talk
Featuring: Xiangqi Chen, Cui Z’ien, Chen Jumni, and Madeleine Lim
Friday, June 28, 2024, 6:00PM
In support of the Directors Talk, OUT Museum will be hosting screenings of the featured films, “Queer China, ‘Comrade’ China,” “Shanghai Queer,” “Sambal Belacan in San Francisco,” and "Xiaodi” from June 8 to June 22. Stop by - these captivating films are not to miss!
Film Screening Schedule - (No RSVP, drop-ins welcome!)
Saturday, June 8, 1:00PM
“Queer China, ‘Comrade’ China” by Cui Zi’en (2009)
Saturday, June 15, 1:00PM
“Shanghai Queer” by Xiangqi Chen (2019)
Saturday, June 22, 1:00PM
“Sambal Belacan in San Francisco” by Madeleine Lim (1997)
"Xiaodi" by Chen Junmi (2021)
About the Films:
Queer China, ‘Comrade’ China,” directed by Cui Zi'en (2009)
A documentary on homosexuality in China, this film captures the journey of LGBTQ individuals who, having lived through darker days, are finally beginning to enjoy the freedom to pursue true love and the right to be with their partners. Despite steep challenges ahead, the future is full of hope. In the form of a documentary, the film bears witness to the changing face of China's LGBTQ community since the reform and opening up era. Interviewees include prominent figures such as Zhang Beichuan, Qin Shide, Li Yinhe, Guo Xiaofei, Tong Ge, Cheng Qingsong, Qiao Qiao, Xu Gehui, and Zhang Yuan.
"Shanghai Queer," directed by Xiangqi Chen (2019)
A first-of-its-kind documentary about the pursuit of equality and freedom for LGBTQ individuals in Shanghai. The film combs through the LGBTQ community’s collective memories to retrace its development over the past fifteen years (2003-2018). Activists, scholars, and artists reflect on their mission, growth, and considerations in the fight for gender equality amid rapid urban changes.
“Sambal Belacan in San Francisco,”directed by Madeleine Lim (1997)
In “Sambal Belacan in San Francisco,” three first-generation immigrant Asian lesbians from Singapore grapple with making a home. This award-winning documentary explores how cultural identity, lesbian sexuality, and immigration status raise powerful questions about belonging. Combining scripted scenes, cinema verité, poetry, interviews, and newsreel footage, this mixed-genre film visually conveys the multi-layered experiences of immigrant Asian lesbians living in the US.
"Xiaodi," directed by Chen Junmi (2021)
Xiaodi is a transgender woman from Suzhou, China. As a child, she was often marginalized for her temperament which set her apart from other boys. At the age of seventeen, a lack of understanding from her family resulted in her being sent to a high-pressure military school to be “disciplined” – a thinly veiled attempt at conversion therapy.
Meet the Directors:
Xiangqi Chen, director of "Shanghai Queer"
Xiangqi Chen is a promoter and practitioner of the LGBT community in China. Selected as one of the 50 industry leaders by TIMEOUT (Shanghai) in 2018, Chen has been involved in the Chinese LGBT movement for over 20 years, from founding the lesbian website in 2002 to establishing the first grassroots organization focused on lesbians in Shanghai, "Nv'ai," in 2005. From 2018 to 2019, she directed and produced the documentary "Shanghai Queer," presenting a record of the development of the LGBTQ movement in Shanghai over 15 years.
Cui Zi'en, director of “Queer China, ‘Comrade’ China”
Cui Zi'en, from Heilongjiang Province, is a devout Catholic who was christened Peter and has the zodiac sign of Leo. He holds an MA in Literature from the Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and is Associate Professor at the Film Research Institute of the Beijing Film Academy. Influenced by his religious upbringing, he incorporates many elements of the Christian faith in his work. With great effort and a poetic approach, he aims to reconcile the irreconcilables of religion and homosexuality.
Chen Junmi, director of "Xiaodi"
From a younger generation of LGBT activists, Chen Junmi is deeply invested in the safety and well-being of LGBT youths in China. Through film, Chen campaigns for anti-bullying and suicide-prevention among LGBT teenagers. Xiaodi is his first documentary.
Madeleine Lim, director of “Sambal Belacan in San Francisco”
Madeleine Lim is an award-winning filmmaker with over 25 years of experience as a producer, director, cinematographer, and editor. Her films have screened at sold-out theaters at international film festivals around the world, including the Vancouver International Film Festival, Mill Valley Film Festival, and Amsterdam Amnesty International Film Festival. Her work has been broadcast to millions on PBS and was featured at universities and museums like the de Young and Asian Art Museum in San Francisco, and the Crocker Art Museum in Sacramento.
本活動是「OUT/出 MUSEUM」(試水中國酷兒博物館)酷兒沙龍系列的一部分。6月28日,我們請到四位傑出導演——陳想起、崔子恩、Chen Jumni、Madeleine Lim——做同台討論。他們的影片為帶動大眾關注LGBTQ+議題、推動社會改變、啟發深刻對話起到關鍵作用。想了解幕後創作过程和獨家趣聞的觀眾,一定不要錯過!
(嘉賓:陳想起、崔子恩、Chen Jumni、Madeleine Lim):
2024年6月28日 週五晚間6時 (英文)
地點:三藩市 舊呂宋巷41號 CA 94108
《志同志》導演崔子恩(2009)-6月8日 週六 下午1點 (中/英)
《上海酷儿》導演陳想起 (2019)-6月15日 週六 下午1點(中/英)
《馬來叁巴醬》導演Madeleine Lim(1997)、《曉迪》導演Chen Junmi(2021)-6月22日 週六 下午1點(中/英)
為支持導演對話,6月8日至22日每週六,OUT/出 MUSEUM會陸續放映《志同志》、《上海酷儿》、《馬來叁巴醬》和《曉迪》。歡迎大家光臨舊呂宋巷41號觀看影片!
6月8日 電影放映:志同志 (2009)
6月15日 電影放映:上海酷儿 (2019)
6月22日 電影放映:三番叁巴醬 (1997),晓迪XIAODI(2021)
《Sambal Belacanin San Francisco/三番叁巴醬》(1997)講述了三位來自新加坡的第一代亞裔移民女同性戀者在美國安家的過程。這部屢獲殊榮的紀錄片探討了文化認同、女同、移民身份和歸屬感等問題。影片結合了劇本場景、真實電影、詩歌、採訪和新聞片段,傳達了亞裔女同移民在美國的多重經歷。
6月28日 導演對話
《曉迪》導演Chen Junmi
Chen Junmi是LGBT年輕一代的活動家,對LGBT年輕人的處境感到擔憂,並試圖透過電影在校園內推廣反欺凌,並防止LGBT青少年自殺。晓迪是他的第一部紀錄片。
《馬來叁巴醬》導演Madeleine Lim
Madeleine Lim 是一位獲獎電影製作人,擁有超過 25 年的製片、導演、攝影和剪輯經驗。她的影片曾在包括溫哥華國際電影節、米爾谷電影節和阿姆斯特丹特赦國際電影節等世界各地的國際電影節上放映。她的作品曾在美國公共廣播公司(PBS)向數百萬觀眾播出,並在舊金山De Young博物館、亞洲藝術博物館和薩克拉門托克羅克藝術博物館等博物館和大學中展出。
自從1965年,成立50余年來,中華文化中心(CCC)通過藝術,將華埠提升為活躍社區和移民經歴的象徵。近年,CCC不斷成長。通過發人深思的跨國藝術展和教育項目,CCC挑戰當下最迫切的複雜議題,用對話連結不同視角,觸發真正有助社會達到平等公正的行動。最受矚目的項目包括「華埠歷史和藝術導遊」、「鮮銳 :藝術家個展系列」、「41 Ross舊呂宋巷藝術家駐地項目」和最新的「華埠鬼節」。
About CCC
Established in 1965, CCC (the Chinese Culture Center of San Francisco) stands as a non-profit arts organization with a rich legacy spanning over 50 years. Throughout its history, CCC has played a pivotal role in elevating Chinatown through the arts, as both a vibrant neighborhood and a poignant metaphor for the immigrant experience. In recent years, CCC has undergone transformative growth, presenting thought-provoking international exhibitions and engaging educational programs. The organization’s commitment to spotlighting pressing and nuanced issues of our time sparks essential dialogues, uniting diverse perspectives and inspiring meaningful actions toward a more inclusive and equitable society. Some of its iconic programming includes “Chinatown History and Art Walking Tour,” “XianRui: Artist in Excellence Series,” “41 Ross: Artist-in-Residence,” and the new “Hungry Ghost Festival.”
About 41 Ross and AIR Program
41 Ross is a unique community art space located in the historic Ross Alley in San Francisco Chinatown. As a partnership between the Chinese Culture Center and the Chinatown Community Development Center, it represents an experimental collaboration between a contemporary art center and a neighborhood development organization. Since its inception in 2014, the 41 Ross Artist-in-Residence has served as an exchange platform for emerging or underexplored API/BIPOC artists, fostering the development of their work and the expansion of community-based practices within San Francisco's Chinatown. The program builds upon the CCC’s unique decades-long legacy in providing a platform for the artists’ experimental, conceptual, and research-based practices in an environment that strikes the balance between foregrounding artistic exploration, working within a cultural community, and promoting exchange amongst wider audiences. Past projects include, but are not limited to: Keyword School (2014), Chinatown Pretty (2015), Chinatown Home Cooking (2016), Liminal Space (2017), Art, Culture and Belonging in Chinatown and Manilatown (2020-21), and Table to Farm (2022).
自從1965年,成立50余年來,中華文化中心(CCC)通過藝術,將華埠提升為活躍社區和移民經歴的象徵。近年,CCC不斷成長。通過發人深思的跨國藝術展和教育項目,CCC挑戰當下最迫切的複雜議題,用對話連結不同視角,觸發真正有助社會達到平等公正的行動。最受矚目的項目包括「華埠歷史和藝術導遊」、「鮮銳 :藝術家個展系列」、「41 Ross舊呂宋巷藝術家駐地項目」和最新的「華埠鬼節」。
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